KEY TO TURKEY workshop for students of Erciyes University in Kayseri 17/03/ - 18/03/2011

Workshop focus on maping Turkish and Central European area for students of Guzel Sanatlar Fakultesi organized by representatives of Centre for culture and society (Brno)
17/03/ - 18/03/2011

Aim of the event is to map social and cultural aspects of young Turkish people in their daily common life from the Central Europe habitants point of view.
Distance between the Czech city of Brno and city of Kayseri is almost 2500 km. To drive a car there would take you approximately one day. We will have equal time space to overcome the geographical, cultural and national distance and thus at least symbolically create an imaginary bridge between these two different cities.

The workshop should help creating national and cultural selfidentity and at the same time it should provide a more precise and concrete view of Central European habitants on life, conditions and atmosphere in the country, which lives “one leg in Europe and the other in Asia“.

Workshop will procees in the form of an open discussion and interactive activities on topics such as: /Where am I at home?/Who is an alien to me?/What places am I (not) going at?

The output of the workshop will be published in the socio-cultural revue called “RozRazil“.

Head of workshop: Michaela Velčková from Centre for culture and society (Brno) and Hakan Pehlivan as representative of Erciyes University (Kayseri)

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